
Saturday, February 21, 2009


hye....jmpe lg sume....:)
i have storY to share....wat happeNed on need to say valentine's day....kite org ISLAM.....:)
erm...i with myklik again...go to HutanLipurGunungLedang....bestnye....
kitorg wat bbQ...(ayam,udang,sosage,otak2),,wah sdapnye....
kitorg gerak dr k9 dlm kol8.....sume dh excited.....
i nek kete otai..thanks to otai.....
actually celebrate yg rumate tersyg punye besday....NILAM nur aNAK amIR SjariF...
sonok gler..cian nilam kne benam dlm air...sori my rumate..:)
balik kitorg singgah umh HelmI..dpt mkn free..hehehheee..
thanks to hElmi mum's...sdap mak die msak...:)..
mkn ape eh...ayaM kARI...
b4 tue mkn goreng pisang+keropok lekor....
alhamdulillah..rezeki kami....
pastue lepak2 kt dataran ape ntah nme die..
lupe la...ha,DURIAN BESAR kot nme die....huhuhuhh....
KITE g cr kek ngn iqbal n paan...kek utk NiLam...hehehee
kitorg trus ar balik..xsmpat nk clebrate kt mne2...coz nt kne tahan ngn guard Utm...hehehe..
erm...nt rekod buruk...ceh....
kitorg clbrate tepi tasek....
hepi sgt2....
to nILAM...:hepi bsdaY saYaNG....i luv u...frenz 4 ever....
p/s:nt kite upluad pic k...wait k...

Friday, February 13, 2009


erm.....continue for next chapter....ceh,mcm lect la plk..:)
diawl2 sem ni i with my klik....asyik g jln2 jer....xabis lg tawaf johor ni...

kitorg plan g trip ke Desaruuuu...

[kitorg berkumpul...n susn brg..:)]

actually, 1st planning g TanJUNG baLAU....but we have problem there...
we proceed with 2nd planning....GO TO DESARUUUUUU...
myKlik yg join.....(niLAM,paANf,aieN,otAI,iqBAL,zaiROL,helMI,nuAR)..
best gler...mcm2 xtVT kitoRg...wat bBq ayAm,ikan,udang,soTong,otak2....beger....sosage...
wah..mmg kenyag gler....thanks to iqBAL's muM a.k.a paanF motherinLAW...heheee...b'coz prepare everything for we ALL....:)

kitorg gerak 16jan...(friday)...dlm kol12o0 cmtue...actually jnji kol11...erm tp biase lah...

jnji melayu.....hehee...boys yg lamBat smpi.....

erm kitorg smpi kt 1st plan....tangJUNG baLAU dlm kol4...xsilap la..:)
angin die best nk melayang-layang da.....apelgi spt biase...
mestila posing....:)

[ni pic bru smpai kt TanJUNG baLAU]

kitorg jln2 la..tgk tmpat cm xbest la....tmpat die jauh ngn xTvt kitorg we decide g desaruuuuuuuu.... sume dh xsbr nk mndi n wat bbq....yela prut msing2 dh lpar....
smpi desaru...kitorg plih Desaru Beach gler...ade swimmg boleh la plih nk mndi kt pntai or swimmg kitorg bnyk mndi swmmg pooL...hepi gler...mmg hilg sume tekanan.....enjoy jer....

bnyk jgk xtvt kitorg....wat BBq...wat brkfast,wat lunch....yg plg penting kt sne kitorg xg mkn kt luar pun....we made together...mufakat membawa berkat...cehhhhh....:)

on 18jan...12am..myklik clebrate mybesday...muke kne sapu telur ngn diorg...:)
but i hepi with u guys.....thanks.....:)

ok...will be continue k...bnyk lg trip,wait k...



Sunday, February 8, 2009

nEw SeM....:)

jln2..awl sem....itulah aktiviti wjib di awl sem...hehehee..
kitorg set date 3jan utk shopping or else...
tp no driver la...
paan...xreti bwk kete manual..heheheee..
nk hrpkn yg len jgn hrp la...hhahahaa..
so,kitorg mntk tlog zairol...hehehee..
thnks abgZAIROL..:)
kitorg p "shopping brg dapur"....biase la...mula2 sem...brg sume dh abis..huhuhuh..:)
1st destination...p mydin...hehehee...
best gler..mmg btul2 shopping.....
ble dh shoppg of kos perut lapa...
kitorg lunch kt angsana...lapa gler..:)...
2nd destination...g tebrau...
watching muvi.....:)....cite ape eh...
lupe la....jp2 dh igt da....mne leh lupe...klaka gler cite ni...
'bedTimeStori' gler....gelak2 kitorg....lepas tension....:) ni pic kt tebrau....hehehehe....
kitorg window shopping je dulu...nt bru beli....kre aim dulu la...hahahaa....klu ikutkn
ht dh beli duk pkir blnje don't wori..akn beli jgk....:)

3rd destination....g DangaBay.....ktorg g tawaf dangabay...:)...dh byk kali je pegi..
tp still nk tawaf lg....seperti biase kitorg mmg posing gler....
to abgZairol...thanks...taking pic for we all....sporting gler abgZairol...ceh promote
zairol plk kite..hehehe....

[wif myRumate...nILAm...]

[with ain]

kitorg blik around 9o'clock...wah..pnat gler....smpi blik pkir nk tdo jer.. gler kitorg time tue.....
erm....nt kite cite lg eh.....kitorg de g trip...but.....
tp to be continue for the next ChApTer...hehehee..:)
c u again....daaaaaaa....


2008..alot of stori can be share...but dh basi..:)....
but still remember....don't wori....

2009....create a new 'BOOK'...ok dear...[akma]...

thanks to all myfren....most important to all myFamily....{mak,abah,along,alang,ateh,ana n abgcik)...
sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang korg sume......muah....:)



i luv u...hehheeee..